import re, sys RE_ID = re.compile("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*") RE_INT = re.compile("[0-9]+") class Assign: def __init__(self, name, exp): = name self.exp = exp def pp(self): return "%s = %s;" % (, self.exp.pp()) class Int: def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def pp(self): return self.val class Var: def __init__(self, name): = name def pp(self): return class Bin_Op: def __init__(self, op, lhs, rhs): self.op = op self.lhs = lhs self.rhs = rhs def pp(self): return "%s %s %s" % (self.lhs.pp(), self.op, self.rhs.pp()) class While: def __init__(self, cond, body): self.cond = cond self.body = body def pp(self): return "while %s {\n %s\n}" % (self.cond.pp(), "\n ".join([x.pp() for x in self.body])) class Print: def __init__(self, exp): self.exp = exp def pp(self): return "print %s;" % self.exp.pp() def parse(s): i = 0 p = [] while i < len(s): i = skip_ws(s, i) if i == len(s): break r = parse_stmt(s, i) if r is not None: p.append(r[0]) i = r[1] continue print "Unknown syntax at position", i print s[i:s.index("\n", i)] sys.exit(1) return p def parse_stmt(s, i): r = parse_assign(s, i) if r is not None: return r r = parse_while(s, i) if r is not None: return r r = parse_print(s, i) if r is not None: return r return def skip_ws(s, i): while i < len(s) and s[i] in " \t\n\r": i += 1 return i def parse_assign(s, i): m = RE_ID.match(s, i) if m is None: return varn = # var name i += len(varn) i = skip_ws(s, i) if i < len(s) and s[i] != "=": return None i += 1 i = skip_ws(s, i) r = parse_expr(s, i) if r is None: return exp, i = r i = skip_ws(s, i) if i == len(s) or s[i] != ";": return i += 1 return Assign(varn, exp), i def parse_expr(s, i): m = RE_INT.match(s, i) if m is not None: lhs = Int( i += len( else: m = RE_ID.match(s, i) if m is None: return lhs = Var( i += len( i = skip_ws(s, i) if i == len(s) or s[i] not in "+-<>": return lhs, i op = s[i] i += 1 i = skip_ws(s, i) r = parse_expr(s, i) if r is None: return rhs, i = r return Bin_Op(op, lhs, rhs), i def parse_while(s, i): if not s.startswith("while", i): return i += len("while") i = skip_ws(s, i) r = parse_expr(s, i) if r is None: return cond, i = r i = skip_ws(s, i) if i == len(s) or s[i] != "{": return i += 1 body = [] while i < len(s): i = skip_ws(s, i) r = parse_stmt(s, i) if r is not None: body.append(r[0]) i = r[1] continue if i == len(s) or s[i] != "}": return break i += 1 return While(cond, body), i def parse_print(s, i): if not s.startswith("print", i): return i += len("print") i = skip_ws(s, i) r = parse_expr(s, i) if r is None: return exp, i = r i = skip_ws(s, i) if i == len(s) or s[i] != ";": return i += 1 return Print(exp), i if __name__ == "__main__": p = parse(open(sys.argv[1], "r").read()) for e in p: print e.pp()