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As a publicly funded researcher, I believe that it is important that the public have the ability to understand what degree of trust they can put in my research. In this page, I record all relations with external entities that partly or wholly overlap, now or in the past, with my research.

Research funding

I have been a principal investigator on EPSRC funding (2013-). Further details can be seen in my Grants on the Web entry.

I have been a co-investigator/principal investigator on industrial research funding from (alphabetically): CloudFlare (£78,000: 2017); Compuware (£10,000: 2003); Compuware (£10,000: 2003); Google (£32,030: 2020-); JPMorgan Chase (£59,804: 2021-); Oracle (£324,593: 2012-2017); Tata Consultancy Services (£120,300: 2004-2006).

I have been a principal investigator with the following companies as industrial partners: Arm (2021-); Intel (2019-2023); Intentional Software (2014-2019); Mozilla (2019-2023); Shopify (2020-).

Further details of all projects since 2012 are available on the Software Development Team site.


I have performed paid consultancy for a number of companies either directly or, since 2020, through Codetique Ltd.

I list all consultancies for companies where either their business generally, or my consultancy specifically, partly or wholly relates to my research. However, I do not list consultancies for companies that had no relation to my research if that work completed before 2020, though I will list any non-research related consultancies starting from 2020 onwards, should there be any.

Companies I am currently, or have previously, consulted for are (alphabetically): DeepMind (2021); Hadean (2016-2020); Huawei (2020-2021); SkipLabs (2022-2024); Xactium (2003-2004).


I currently own shares in Hadean. I have a standard stocks and shares ISA (using an index fund whose contents I am not aware of). I do not currently, and have not previously, owned shares or stock in any other companies related to my research.

Research spending

All my discretionary research spending since 2012 is recorded as part of the Software Development Team’s commitment to accounting transparency.