Rust is a genuinely interesting programming language: it has a number of features which are without precedent in mainstream languages, and those features combine in surprising and interesting ways. In many cases, it’s a plausible replacement for C [1]: it leads to fairly fast code; and because it doesn’t have a garbage collector, its memory use is more predictable, which can be useful for some programs. I’ve been doing an increasing amount of programming in Rust for the last 3 or 4 years, the biggest thing being the grmtools set of libraries (a good starting place for those is the quickstart guide). However, there isn’t any doubt in my mind that Rust isn’t the easiest language to learn. That’s partly because it’s a fairly big language: in my opinion, language complexity grows exponentially with language size. But it’s also partly because a lot of Rust is unfamiliar. Indeed, my first couple of years in Rust reminded me of my early fumblings with programming: a lot of activity rewarded with only limited progress. However, it’s been worth it: Rust has proven to be a good match for many of the things I want to do.
One of the things that baffled me for quite a long time are Rust’s “trait objects”: they felt like an odd part of the language and I was never quite sure whether I was using them or not, even when I wanted to be. Since I’ve recently had cause to look into them in more detail, I thought it might be helpful to write a few things down, in case anyone else finds my explanation useful. The first part of this blog post covers the basics and the second part takes a look at the performance implications of the way trait objects are implemented in Rust.
The basics
In general, Rust has a very strong preference for static dispatch of
function calls, which is where the function matching a call is determined at
compile-time. In other words, when I write a function call f()
the compiler statically works out which function f
I’m referring to
and makes my function call point directly to that function f
This stands in contrast to dynamic dispatch where the
function matching a call is only determined at run-time. Dynamic dispatch is
common in languages such as Java. Consider a class C
which defines
a method m
which one or more subclasses override. If we have an
object o
of type C
and a function call
, then we have to wait until run-time to determine whether we
should call C
’s implementation of m
or one of
its subclasses. Simplifying slightly,
static dispatch leads to faster performance [2] while
dynamic dispatch gives one more flexibility when structuring a program. These
features can combine in a variety of ways: some languages only offer static
dispatch; some only offer dynamic dispatch; and some require users to opt-in to
dynamic dispatch.
It can be easy to think Rust’s traits alone imply dynamic dispatch, but that is often not the case. Consider this code:
trait T { fn m(&self) -> u64; } struct S { i: u64 } impl T for S { fn m(&self) -> u64 { self.i } } fn main() { let s = S{i : 100}; println!("{}", s.m()); }
Here the trait T
looks a bit like it’s a Java interface, requiring
any class/struct which implements it to have a method m
to return
an integer: indeed, the calling syntax in line 15 s.m()
looks like
a method call on an object which we might well expect to be dynamically dispatched.
However, the Rust compiler statically resolves the call m()
to the
function T::m
. This is possible because the variable s
line 14 is statically determined to have type S
and, since
implements the T
trait which has an m
method, that function is the only possible match. As this suggests, Rust’s
traits aren’t really like Java interfaces, and structs aren’t really like
However, Rust does allow dynamic dispatch, although at first it can feel like
magic to make it happen. Let’s assume we want to make a function which can
take in any struct which implements the trait T
and calls its
function. We might try and write this:
fn f(x: T) { println!("{}", x.m()) }
However compiling that leads to the following scary error:
error[E0277]: the size for values of type `(dyn T + 'static)` cannot be known at compilation time --> src/ | 21 | fn f(x: T) { | ^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time | = help: the trait `std::marker::Sized` is not implemented for `(dyn T + 'static)` = note: to learn more, visit <> = note: all local variables must have a statically known size = help: unsized locals are gated as an unstable feature
The length of that error is intimidating, but it actually says the same thing in
three different ways [3]. By specifying that we’ll take in
an argument of type T
we’re moving the run-time value into
. However — and I prefer to think of this in terms of
running code – we don’t know how big any given struct that implements T
will be,
so we can’t generate a single chunk of machine code that handles it (should the
machine code expect a struct of 8 bytes or 128 bytes or …? how big should
the stack the function requests be?).
One sort-of solution to the problem is to change f
to the
fn f<X: T>(x: X) { println!("{}", x.m()) }
This now compiles, but does so by duplicating code such that static dispatch is
still possible. The code between angle brackets <X: T>
defines a type parameter X
[4]: the type passed (possibly implicitly) for that parameter
must implement the trait T
. This looks a bit like it’s a
long-winded way of saying fn(x: T)
but the type parameter means
that monomorphisation kicks in: a specialised version of f
is generated for every distinct type we pass to X
, allowing Rust to
make everything statically dispatched. Sometimes that’s what we want, but it’s
not always sensible: monomorphisation means that code bloat can be a real
concern (we can end up with many separate machine code versions of
); and it can limit our ability to structure our program in a
sensible fashion.
Fortunately, there is an alternative solution [5] which does enable dynamic dispatch, as shown in the following code:
trait T { fn m(&self) -> u64; } struct S1 { i: u64 } impl T for S1 { fn m(&self) -> u64 { self.i * 2 } } struct S2 { j: u64 } impl T for S2 { fn m(&self) -> u64 { self.j * 4 } } fn f(x: &T) { println!("{}", x.m()) } fn main() { let s1 = S1{i : 100}; f(&s1); let s2 = S2{j : 100}; f(&s2); }
Running this program prints out 200 and then 400 and that was achieved by dynamic dispatch! Hooray! But why did it work?
The only real difference with our previous version is that we changed
to take a reference to an object of type T
21). Although we don’t know how big a struct that implements T
might be, every reference to an object that implements T
be the same size, so we
only need a single machine code version of f
to be generated. It’s
at this point that the first bit of magic happens: in line 27 we passed a
reference to an object of type S1
to f
, but
expects a reference to an object of type T
. Why
is that valid? In such cases, the compiler implicitly coerces &S1
, because it knows that the struct S
implements the
trait T
[6]. Importantly, this
coercion magically attaches some extra information (I’ll explain more below) so
that the run-time system knows it needs to call S1
’s methods on
that object (and not, for example, S2
’s methods).
That such an implicit coercion is possible is, in my experience, very
surprising to those new to Rust. If it’s any consolation, even experienced
Rust programmers can fail to spot these coercions: nothing in
’s signature tells you that such a coercion will happen, unless you happen
to know that T
is a trait, and not a struct. To that end, recent
versions of Rust let you add a syntactic signpost to make it clear:
fn f(x: &dyn T) { println!("{}", x.m()) }
The extra dyn
keyword has no semantic effect, but you might feel it
makes it a little more obvious that a coercion to a trait object is about to
happen. Unfortunately, because the use of that keyword is currently a bit
haphazard, one can never take its absence as a guarantee that dynamic dispatch
won’t occur.
Interestingly, there is another way to perform this same coercion, but without using references: we can put trait objects in boxes (i.e. put them on the heap). That way, no matter how big the struct stored inside the box, the size of the box we see is always the same. Here’s a simple example:
fn f2(x: Box<T>) { println!("{}", x.m()) } fn main() { let b: Box<S1> = Box::new(S1{i: 100}); f2(b); }
At line 6 we have a variable of type Box<S1>
but passing it
to f2
automatically coerces it to Box<T>
. In a
sense, this is just a variant of the reference coercion: in both cases we’ve
turned an unsized thing (a trait object) into a sized thing (a reference or a
Fat pointers vs. inner vpointers
I deliberately omitted something in my earlier explanation: while it’s true that
all references to an object of our trait type T
are of the same
size, it’s not necessarily true that references to objects of different types
are the same size. An easy way to see that is in this code, which executes
without errors:
use std::mem::size_of; trait T { } fn main() { assert_eq!(size_of::<&bool>(), size_of::<&u128>()); assert_eq!(size_of::<&bool>(), size_of::<usize>()); assert_eq!(size_of::<&dyn T>(), size_of::<usize>() * 2); }
What this says is that the size of a reference to a bool
is the
same as the size of a reference to a u128
(line 6), and both of
those are a machine word big (line 7). This isn’t surprising: references are
encoded as pointers. What might be surprising is that the size of a reference to
a trait object is two machine words big (line 8). What’s going on?
Rust uses fat pointers extensively, including when trait objects are
used. A fat pointer is simply a pointer-plus-some-other-stuff, so is at least
two machine words big. In the case of a reference to trait objects, the first
machine word is a pointer to the object in memory, and the second machine word
is a pointer to that object’s vtable (which, itself, is a list of pointers to
a struct’s dynamically dispatched functions). Although it’s not universally
used terminology, let’s call a pointer to a vtable a vpointer. We
can now make sense of the
‘magic’ part of the coercion from a struct to a trait object I mentioned
earlier: the coercion from a pointer to a fat pointer adds the struct’s vpointer
to the resulting fat pointer. In other words, any trait object
coerced from an S1
struct will have a fat pointer with a vpointer
to v1, and any
trait object coerced from an S2
struct will have a vpointer to
v2. v1 will, conceptually, have a single entry pointing to
and v2 a single entry pointing to
. If you want, using unsafe code, you can easily tease the object pointer and vpointer apart.
If you’re a Haskell or Go programmer, this use of fat pointers is probably what you expect. Personally I’m used to vpointers living alongside objects, not alongside object pointers: as far as I know the former technique doesn’t have a name so let’s call it inner vpointers. For example, in a typical object orientated language, every object is dynamically dispatched, so every object carries around its own vpointer. In other words, the choices are between adding an extra machine word to pointers (fat pointers) or an extra machine word to objects (inner vpointers).
Why might Rust have plumped for fat pointers instead of inner vpointers? Considering only performance as a criteria, the downside to inner vpointers is that every object grows in size. If every function call uses an object’s vpointer, this doesn’t matter. However, as I showed earlier, Rust goes out of its way to encourage you to use static dispatch: if it used inner vpointers, the vpointers would probably go unused most of the time [7]. Fat pointers thus have the virtue of only imposing extra costs in the particular program locations where you want to use dynamic dispatch.
What are the performance trade-offs of fat pointers vs. inner vpointers?
Most Rust programs will use dynamic dispatch sparingly – any performance differences between fat pointers and inner vpointers are likely to be irrelevant. However, I want to write programs (language VMs) which use it extensively (for every user-language-level object). It’s therefore of some interest to me as to whether there’s any difference in performance between the two schemes. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to turn up any relevant performance comparisons [8]: the nearest I’ve seen are papers in the security world, where fat pointers are used to encode certain security properties (e.g. the second part of a fat pointer might carry around a memory block’s length, so that all array accesses can be checked for safety), and thus clearly make performance worse. Our setting is quite different.
In order to make a compelling comparison, I’d need real programs of note and measure them rigorously using both schemes, but that’s a bit difficult because I don’t have any such programs yet, and won’t for some time. So I’m going to have make do with a few micro-benchmarks and the inevitable caveat: one should never assume that anything these micro-benchmarks tell us will translate to larger programs. I’m also not going to go to quite the extremes I have in the past to measure performance: I’m looking for a rough indication rather than perfection.
In order to keep things tractable, I made three assumptions about the sorts of program I’m interested in:
- Such programs will create trait objects occasionally but call methods in them frequently. I therefore care a lot more about calling costs than I do about creation costs.
- I care more about methods which read from the
object than those that don’t. Are there any performance differences between the two? - In general – and unlike most Rust programs – I’m likely to have a reasonable amount of aliasing of objects. Does that cause any performance differences when calling functions?
In order to model this, I created a trait GetVal
which contains
a single method which returns an integer. I then created two structs which implement that
trait: SNoRead
returns a fixed integer (i.e. it doesn’t read from
); and SWithRead
returns an integer stored in the
struct (i.e. it reads from self
). Both structs are a machine word
big, so they should have the same effects on the memory allocator (even though
doesn’t ever read the integer stored within it). Eliding a
few details, the code looks like this:
trait GetVal { fn val(&self) -> usize; } struct SNoRead { i: usize } impl GetVal for SNoRead { fn val(&self) -> usize { 0 } } struct SWithRead { i: usize } impl GetVal for SWithRead { fn val(&self) -> usize { self.i } }
To keep things simple, our first two benchmarks will stick with fat pointers,
and we’ll just measure the difference between calling SNoRead::m
and SWithRead::m
. Eliding a number of details, our first benchmark
looks like this:
fn time(mut f: F) where F: FnMut() { let before = Instant::now(); for _ in 0..ITERS { f(); } let d = Instant::now() - before; println!("{:?}", d.as_secs() as f64 + d.subsec_nanos() as f64 * 1e-9); } fn bench_fat_no_read() { let v: Vec<Box<dyn GetVal>> = Vec::with_capacity(VEC_SIZE); for _ in 0..VEC_SIZE { v.push(Box::new(SNoRead{i:0})); } time(|| { for e in &v { assert_eq!(e.val(), 0); } }); }
In essence, we create a vector with VEC_SIZE
elements (lines
11-14), each of which contains a boxed trait object. We then time (lines 2-7)
how long it takes to iterate over the vector, calling the method m
on each element (lines 16-18). Notice that we don’t measure the time it takes to
create the vector and that we repeat the iterating over the vector
times to make the benchmark run long enough. Although I don’t
show it above, in order to make the resulting measurements more reliable, each
benchmark is compiled into its own binary, and each binary is rerun 30 times.
Thus the numbers I’m reporting are the mean of the benchmark run across 30
process executions, and I also report 99% confidence intervals calculated from
the standard deviation.
Only having one benchmark makes comparisons a little hard, so let’s do the
easiest variant first: a version of the above benchmark which uses
instead of SNoRead
. This simply requires
duplicating bench_fat_no_read
, renaming it to
, and replacing SNoRead
inside the function.
We then have to decide how big to make the vector, and how many times we
repeat iterating over it. I like to make benchmarks run for at least one second
if possible, because that tends to lessen the effects of temporary jitter. As an
initial measurement, I set VEC_SIZE
to 1000000, and
to 1000. Here are the results for the two benchmarks we’ve
created thus far:
bench_fat_no_read: 1.708 +/- 0.0138 bench_fat_with_read: 2.152 +/- 0.0103
This isn’t too surprising: there’s an inevitable fixed cost to iterating over
the vector and jumping to another function which is shared by both benchmarks.
However, bench_fat_with_read
also measures the cost to read
in the SWithRead::m
function which slows things down by
over 25%.
Now we can move onto the hard bit: creating inner vpointer variants of both benchmarks. This is a little bit fiddly, in part because we need to use unsafe Rust code [9]. The basic technique we need to know is that a fat pointer can be split into its constituent parts as follows:
let x: &dyn T = ...; let (ptr, vtable) = unsafe { mem::transmute<_, (usize, usize)>(x) };
You can look at transmute
in several different ways, but I tend to
think of it as a way of copying bits in memory and giving the copied bits an
arbitrary type: in other words, it’s a way of completely and utterly bypassing
Rust’s static type system. In this case, we take in a fat pointer which is two
machine words big, and split it into two machine word-sized pointers (which I’ve
encoded as usize
s, because it slightly reduces the amount of code I
have to enter later).
What we need to do first is create a vector of thin (i.e. one machine word big) pointers to “vpointer + object” blocks on the heap. Eliding a few annoying details, here’s code which does just that:
fn vec_vtable() -> Vec<*mut ()> { let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(VEC_SIZE); for _ in 0..VEC_SIZE { let s = SNoRead{i: 0}; let b = unsafe { let (_, vtable) = transmute::<&dyn GetVal, (usize, usize)>(&s); let b: *mut usize = alloc(...) as *mut usize; b.copy_from(&vtable, 1); (b.add(1) as *mut SNoRead).copy_from(&s, 1); b as *mut () }; v.push(b); } v }
The type <*mut ()>
(line 1) is Rust’s rough equivalent of C’s void *
pointer. Every time we make a new SNoRead
object (line
4), we create a trait object for it (line 5), and pull out its vpointer
(line 6; note that this will be the same value for every element in the vector).
We then allocate memory (line 7) sufficient to store the vpointer (line 8)
and the object itself (line 9): on a 64-bit machine, the vpointer will
be stored at offset 0, and the object will be stored starting at offset 8.
Notice that a significant portion of this function is unsafe code: that’s
inevitable when fiddling around with low-level pointers like this in Rust.
With that done, we can then create a benchmark:
pub fn bench_innervtable_no_read() { let v = vec_vtable(); time(|| { for &e in &v { let vtable = unsafe { *(e as *const usize) }; let obj = unsafe { (e as *const usize).add(1) }; let b: *const dyn GetVal = unsafe { transmute((obj, vtable)) }; assert_eq!(unsafe { (&*b).val() }, 0); } }); }
There are a couple of subtleties here. Notice how we recreate a fat pointer by
recombining the object pointer and vpointer (lines 5-7): the *const dyn GetVal
is vital here, as otherwise Rust won’t know which trait we’re
trying to make a fat pointer for. In order to turn a raw fat pointer into a
normal reference, we have to use the &*
operator [10] (line 8). With that done, we can then call method
Using the same settings as for our earlier run, our new benchmark (and
it’s with_read
variant) performs as follows:
bench_innervtable_no_read: 2.111 +/- 0.0054 bench_innervtable_with_read: 2.128 +/- 0.0090
Unsurprisingly, bench_innervtable_no_read
is much slower than its
fat pointer cousin bench_fat_no_read
: the former has to do a memory
read on each iteration of the loop to read the vpointer, whereas the
latter has that available in its fat pointer. bench_fat_no_read
thus very cache friendly because all it’s doing is iterating linearly through
memory (the vector) and then calling the same function (SNoRead::m
However, bench_innervtable_with_read
is only just (taking into
account the confidence intervals) slower
than bench_innervtable_with_read
. Why might this be? Well, reading
the vpointer from memory will nearly always bring the object into the
processor’s cache too, making the read in SWithRead::m
much cheaper
afterwards. Put another way, the first read of a random point in memory is often
quite slow, as the processor waits for the value to be fetched from RAM; but
reading another point almost immediately afterwards is quick, because an entire
cache line (a chunk of memory: 64 bytes on x86) is brought into the
processor’s cache in one go. If you look carefully, bench_innervtable_with_read
is ever so slightly faster than bench_fat_with_read
, although
not by enough for me to consider it particularly significant.
Is any of this interesting? Depending on your use case, yes, it might be. Imagine you’re implementing a GUI framework, which is a classic use case for dynamic dispatch. A lot of the methods that are called will be empty, because the user doesn’t need to handle the respective actions. The numbers above show that inner vpointers would slow you down in such a case: fat pointers are clearly the right choice.
Let’s make our final class of benchmark: what happens if, instead of our
vector pointing to VEC_SIZE
distinct objects, each element points
to the same underlying object? In other words, what are the performance
implications of having faster access to inner vpointers. First let’s
create our vector:
fn vec_multialias_vtable() -> Vec<*mut ()> { let ptr = { let s = SNoRead{i: 0}; unsafe { let (_, vtable) = transmute::<&dyn GetVal, (usize, usize)>(&s); let b = alloc(...) as *mut usize; b.copy_from(&vtable, 1); (b.add(1) as *mut SNoRead).copy_from(&s, 1); b as *mut () } }; vec![ptr; VEC_SIZE] }
Note that we only create a single pointer to an object (line 6), duplicating
that pointer (but not the object!) VEC_SIZE
times (line 12).
By now, I suspect you’ve got the hang of the main benchmarks, so I won’t repeat those. Let’s go straight to the numbers:
bench_fat_multialias_no_read: 1.709 +/- 0.0104 bench_fat_multialias_with_read: 1.709 +/- 0.0099 bench_innervtable_multialias_no_read: 1.641 +/- 0.0007 bench_innervtable_multialias_with_read: 1.644 +/- 0.0115
Interestingly, there is now a small, but noticeable difference: the inner vtable
approach is definitely faster. Why is this? Well, it’s probably because the fat
pointer version of this benchmark consumes more memory. Each pointer consumes 2
machine words, so, at an abstract level, the total memory consumption of the
program is (roughly) VEC_SIZE * 2
machine words big (I think we can
ignore the single machine word needed for the one object). In contrast, the
inner vpointer version consumes only VEC_SIZE
machine words.
It’s thus a little more cache friendly, which probably explains the 4%
performance difference.
An important question is that, even for these very limited benchmarks, does anything change if the vector size changes? Yes, it does slightly: it seems that the smaller the vector, the less the difference between the two approaches (as you can see in the performance numbers for a number of variants).
To my simple mind, Trait objects in Rust are confusing because of the way they magically appear through implicit coercions. Maybe my explanation will help someone get to grips with them a little sooner than I managed to.
With regards to the performance comparison, what does it mean for most people? I suggest it shows that Rust’s choice of fat pointers is probably the right one: if you don’t use trait objects, you don’t pay any costs; and if you do use trait objects, the performance is often the best anyway.
What does this mean for me? Well, for VMs, the situation is
a little different. In particular, in many VMs, the first
thing a method on a VM-level object does is to read
from self
(e.g. due to biased locking).
In such cases, and assuming a sensible object layout, the costs between fat pointers and inner vpointers are
probably roughly comparable. Because most languages that aren’t Rust allow
aliasing, it’s also likely that the run-time will see some aliasing, at which
point inner vpointers might become a touch quicker; and, even if there’s
no performance difference, they will use slightly less memory.
Of course, all of this is highly speculative, based on tiny benchmarks, and I’ll probably try and keep my options open when implementing my first VM or two in Rust to see if one approach is better in practise than the other. Don’t hold your breath for new results any time soon though!
If you want to run, or fiddle with, the benchmarks shown in this blog post, they’re available as vtable_bench.
Acknowledgements: My thanks to Edd Barrett and Jacob Hughes for for comments on this blog post.
And, presumably, C++, though I don’t know that language well enough to say for sure.
And, presumably, C++, though I don’t know that language well enough to say for sure.
Static dispatch makes inlining trivial. In my opinion, inlining is the mother of all optimisations: the more of it you can do, the faster your program will run. Note that inlining doesn’t have to be done statically (though it’s easier that way), but doing it dynamically tends to cause noticeable warmup.
Static dispatch makes inlining trivial. In my opinion, inlining is the mother of all optimisations: the more of it you can do, the faster your program will run. Note that inlining doesn’t have to be done statically (though it’s easier that way), but doing it dynamically tends to cause noticeable warmup.
Although this error is unnecessarily verbose, in general modern rustc gives very good quality error messages: older versions of rustc were quite a lot worse in this regard. Indeed, I’ve noticed that the better error messages make it a lot easier for those learning Rust today compared to 2015 or so.
Although this error is unnecessarily verbose, in general modern rustc gives very good quality error messages: older versions of rustc were quite a lot worse in this regard. Indeed, I’ve noticed that the better error messages make it a lot easier for those learning Rust today compared to 2015 or so.
It’s tempting to call these things “generics”, making them sound similar to the feature of that name found in languages such as Java. However, when you get a bit further into Rust, you start to realise that the “parameter” part of the ”type parameter” name is crucial, because you can pass type parameters around statically in a way that resembles “normal” parameters.
It’s tempting to call these things “generics”, making them sound similar to the feature of that name found in languages such as Java. However, when you get a bit further into Rust, you start to realise that the “parameter” part of the ”type parameter” name is crucial, because you can pass type parameters around statically in a way that resembles “normal” parameters.
There’s another possible solution which I’m not going to talk about here,
involving the CoerceUnsized
trait. First, this has been unstable
for years, and the lack of activity on the relevant issue suggests it will be unstable for a while
to come. Second, it’s really hard to explain what it does.
There’s another possible solution which I’m not going to talk about here,
involving the CoerceUnsized
trait. First, this has been unstable
for years, and the lack of activity on the relevant issue suggests it will be unstable for a while
to come. Second, it’s really hard to explain what it does.
There are some restrictions on what traits can contain and still be converted into trait objects. I won’t worry about those here.
There are some restrictions on what traits can contain and still be converted into trait objects. I won’t worry about those here.
To some extent, one could statically optimise away some of the costs of inner vpointers by noticing that some structs are never used with dynamic dispatch. That will still allow some wastage, because some structs are only sometimes used with dynamic dispatch. It’s hard to imagine an automatic analysis doing a great job of optimising such cases effectively.
To some extent, one could statically optimise away some of the costs of inner vpointers by noticing that some structs are never used with dynamic dispatch. That will still allow some wastage, because some structs are only sometimes used with dynamic dispatch. It’s hard to imagine an automatic analysis doing a great job of optimising such cases effectively.
Although it’s not quite the same thing, Gui Andrade’s description of dynstack is well worth a read.
Although it’s not quite the same thing, Gui Andrade’s description of dynstack is well worth a read.
Unfortunately what unsafe code is allowed to do and what it’s not allowed to do is largely unknown in Rust. This is a big problem for anyone who needs to drop out of safe Rust. There is some progress towards addressing this, but it’s not going to happen quickly.
Unfortunately what unsafe code is allowed to do and what it’s not allowed to do is largely unknown in Rust. This is a big problem for anyone who needs to drop out of safe Rust. There is some progress towards addressing this, but it’s not going to happen quickly.
I must admit that I found this operator’s syntax confusing at first.
looks like it’s saying “dereference x and get a reference
to where x is stored”, but it doesn’t dereference x: it just reinterprets
a raw pointer as a Rust reference, which has no run-time effect.
I must admit that I found this operator’s syntax confusing at first.
looks like it’s saying “dereference x and get a reference
to where x is stored”, but it doesn’t dereference x: it just reinterprets
a raw pointer as a Rust reference, which has no run-time effect.