Blog archive
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Better Shell History Search
Can We Retain the Benefits of Transitive Dependencies Without Undermining Security?
Structured Editing and Incremental Parsing
How I Prepare to Make a Video on Programming
pizauth: HTTPS redirects
Recording and Processing Spoken Word
Why the Circular Specification Problem and the Observer Effect Are Distinct
What Factors Explain the Nature of Software?
Some Reflections on Writing Unix Daemons
Faster Shell Startup With Shell Switching
Choosing What To Read
Debugging A Failing Hotkey
How Often Should We Sharpen Our Tools?
Four Kinds of Optimisation
Minor Advances in Knowledge Are Still a Worthwhile Goal
How Hard is it to Adapt a Memory Allocator to CHERI?
“Programming” and “Programmers” Mean Different Things to Different People
pizauth: First Stable Release
The Need to Explain
Two Stories for “What is CHERI?”
My Interview with Eelco Visser on Parsing
Why Split Lexing and Parsing Into Two Separate Phases?
Displaying My Washing Machine’s Remaining Time With curl, jq, and pizauth
pizauth: HTTPS redirects
How Big Should a Programming Language Be?
Rust’s Two Kinds of ‘Assert’ Make for Better Code
Scheduling my Electricity Usage
Why Aren’t Programming Language Specifications Comprehensive?
Distinguishing an Interpreter from a Compiler
try_repeat released
Why We Need to Know LR and Recursive Descent Parsing Techniques
Compiled and Interpreted Languages: Two Ways of Saying Tomato
Software Security Research Position
How Might Generative AI Change Programming?
pizauth: differentiating transient from permanent errors
November Links
More Evidence for Problems in VM Warmup
What is a Research Summer School?
October Links
pizauth: another alpha release
UML: My Part in its Downfall
September Links
pizauth, an OAuth2 token requester daemon, in alpha
A Week of Bug Reporting
August Links
Making a Video of a Single Window
Two researcher jobs in soft-dev
Another Reorganisation
July Links
What’s the Most Portable Way to Include Binary Blobs in an Executable?
CHERITech22 and PLISS 2022
How I Clean my Glasses
June Links
What Metric to Use When Benchmarking?
Chance, Luck, and Risk
What Makes a Good Research Proposal?
May Links
Multiplicity Choices Are Hard to Model and Change
Using a “Proper” Camera as a Webcam
Programming Style Influences
snare: a Minimalistic GitHub Webhooks Runner
April Links
Where do Research Problems Come From?
Practising Programming
Making Rust a Better Fit for CHERI and Other Platforms
When is a Blog a Blog?
Static Integer Types
Automatic Video Editing
The Evolution of a Research Paper
Automatic Syntax Error Recovery
Stick or Twist?
Which Parsing Approach?
Alternative Sources of Advice
Minimum Times Tend to Mislead When Benchmarking
A Quick Look at Trait Objects in Rust
Why Aren’t More Users More Happy With Our VMs? Part 2
Why Aren’t More Users More Happy With Our VMs? Part 1
What I’ve Learnt So Far About Writing Research Papers
What Challenges and Trade-Offs do Optimising Compilers Face?
Fine-grained Language Composition
Debugging Layers
An Editor for Composed Programs
The Bootstrapped Compiler and the Damage Done
Relative and Absolute Levels
General Purpose Programming Languages’ Speed of Light
Another Non-Argument in Type Systems
Server Failover For the Cheap and Forgetful
Fast Enough VMs in Fast Enough Time
Problems with Software 3: Creating Crises Where There Aren’t Any
Problems with Software 2: Failing to Use the Computing Lever
Problems with Software 1: Confusing Problems Whose Solutions Are Easy to State With Problems Whose Solutions Are Easy to Realise
Parsing: The Solved Problem That Isn’t
In Praise of the Imperfect
A Modest Attempt to Help Prevent Unnecessary Static / Dynamic Typing Debates
A Proposal for Error Handling
The Missing Level of Abstraction?
Good Programmers are Good Sysadmins are Good Programmers
How can C Programs be so Reliable?
Free Text Geocoding
Extended Backtraces
Designing Sane Scoping Rules
Some Lessons Learned from Icon
How Difficult is it to Write a Compiler?
When Are Macros Useful?
Filling in a Gap
Are Multicore Processors the Root of a New Software Crisis?
The High Risk of Novel Language Features
Evolving DSLs
More Meta Matters
Strategies for Dealing With E-mail
Debugging Driven Development
Make Exceptions Work For You
Home Directory Synchronization
Timing setjmp, and the Joy of Standards
Text is Dead They Say
The Importance of Syntax
Predicting the Future of Computing
Tail Call Optimization
Language Orientated Programming