September Links

Recent posts
Recording and Processing Spoken Word
Why the Circular Specification Problem and the Observer Effect Are Distinct
What Factors Explain the Nature of Software?
Some Reflections on Writing Unix Daemons
Faster Shell Startup With Shell Switching
Choosing What To Read
Debugging A Failing Hotkey
How Often Should We Sharpen Our Tools?
Four Kinds of Optimisation
Minor Advances in Knowledge Are Still a Worthwhile Goal

Blog archive
  • The Last Person Standing in the Floppy Disk Business I suspect I last used a floppy disk in 1997 or so and at that point they already felt anachronistic. But there’s still enough demand that there’s a company selling these no-longer-manufactured lumps of plastic and iron!
  • Adversarial Collaboration At first I didn’t really understand this article by a psychologist about (simplifying heavily) who should be involved in replication studies, but by the end I had definitely rethought the way I can imagine such studies being done.
Newer 2022-10-01 08:00 Older
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